One Person Injured After Vehicle Crashed Into Electricity Pole

One Person Injured After Vehicle Crashed Into Electricity Pole

In Burdur, one person was injured when a driver lost control and crashed into an electric pole in the morning hours. Fire and medical teams were dispatched to the scene. In the accident that occurred in Burdur in the morning hours, one person was injured when a driver lost control and crashed into an electric pole. The accident occurred on Ali Kemal Erdem Boulevard in Burdur at around 08:30. According to information obtained, the Fiat brand car with the license plate 03 DZ 133, driven by Fatma Y., which was driving on the boulevard, lost control when it reached the Vali Konağı Junction and crashed into an electric pole. Fatma Y., who was trapped inside the vehicle, was injured in the accident. Fire, medical and police teams were dispatched to the scene after the people in the vicinity reported it to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Fatma Y., who was rescued from the trapped area by the efforts of the fire and medical teams who arrived at the scene, was taken to Burdur State Hospital by ambulance after the first intervention of the medical teams. - BURDUR

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