Drone Assisted Motorcycle Inspection in Antalya Produces 108 Fines

Drone-Assisted Motorcycle Inspection in Antalya Produces 108 Fines

In Antalya, 108 motorcyclists who violated the rules were penalized during drone-supported K5 inspections. The moments of the motorcycle violations were recorded on cameras. A drone-supported K5 inspection was carried out for motorcycles that violated the rules in traffic in Antalya. 108 motorcyclists were penalized during the inspections, and the moments of the motorcycle violations were recorded on cameras. Traffic Inspection Department teams continue to carry out motorcycle inspections in the city without interruption upon the instructions of Antalya Provincial Police Chief İlker Arslan. The teams carried out drone-supported K5 inspections on the Gazi Boulevard route in Kepez and Muratpaşa districts.

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