A mother and her two daughters were shot dead while visiting their relatives graves

A mother and her two daughters were shot dead while visiting their relatives graves

In the Sarıçam district of Adana, a mother and her two daughters were shot dead while visiting the grave of a relative. It was alleged that the three women were killed by their in-laws for allegedly driving their son to commit suicide. In the Sarıçam district of Adana, mother Şenay (45), along with her daughters Gaye (25) and Güldane Gerçek (21), visited the grave of Güldane Gerçek's husband Muzaffer E., who had recently committed suicide, in the Buruk Cemetery.

It was alleged that Muzaffer E.'s father Ş.E., who followed the mother and her two daughters, shot and killed the mother and her daughters in the cemetery with a gun and then fled the scene on a motorcycle. While the police searched everywhere for the suspect, it was alleged that the suspect killed the mother and her two daughters, claiming that they had driven his son to commit suicide.


According to the allegations, Muzaffer E. wanted to make peace with his wife Güldane, with whom he had bad relations. When Muzaffer E. went to his mother-in-law Şenay and asked her to make peace with her husband, he received a negative response. Thereupon, the person ended his life by hanging himself from a tree in the Menekşe Neighborhood of the Sarıçam district. It was claimed that Muzaffer E.'s father, Ş.E., held Güldane and her family responsible for this incident.

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