  Iranian shepherd found dead in water channel in Erzincan
Iranian shepherd found dead in water channel in Erzincan An Iranian national who worked as a shepherd in Erzincan was found dead in the HES water channel. An Iranian national who worked as a shepherd in Erzincan was found dead in the HES water channel. T.G., who lives in the village of Günbağı in the city center, reported the situation to the teams after he did not hear from Bahri Hajipourkhalkalou (39), an Iranian national who was grazing his small cattle. The gendarmerie and AFAD teams that came to the region started a search operation in the irrigation channel belonging to the HES where the shepherd was last seen. The teams, which carried out search and scanning activities in the region for about 2 hours, found Hajipourkhalkalou's body in front of the canal's manhole about 1.5 kilometers from the area where he disappeared. The body recovered from the canal was taken to the morgue of Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital after examinations.

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