  Cukurova University Turkology Research Center Activities Continue
Cukurova University Turkology Research Center Activities Continue Çukurova University Turkology Research Center (ÇÜTAM) Culture House hosted different topics and guests within the scope of April activities. Within the scope of CUTAM April activities, Çukurova University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Hayri Levent Yılmaz and ÇÜTAM Board of Directors Members visited ATO Chairman of the Board of Directors Yücel Bayram at his office and congratulated him on his duty as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Within the scope of the lecture series, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Gül Akar, Lecturer at CU Kozan Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Plant Protection, Prof. Dr. Yeşim Aysan, Lecturer at CU Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Prof. Dr. Emel Bahar, Lecturer at Tarsus University Vocational School, Department of Office Management and Executive Assistantship, and Assoc. Prof. Sevim Tuğba Arabalı Koşar, Lecturer at Çukurova University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Textile and Fashion Design, participated as speakers.

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